About Me

My husband, Jason, and I have been married for 20+ years and have seven children. Princess and Sunshine are 16 years old; Cupcake, LoveBug and Ri-Bear are 11; BoBo is 9 and NiNi is 2 . I have been caring for children since my young teen years. First as a babysitter and then as a church nursery worker. When I was a Freshman in high school, I directed my first of 5 children’s theaters at the local Opera House which put 40 children between the 1st & 8th grade in my care for 2 ½ hours 5 days a week. As a senior in high school I worked with the youth in my church and did this through college as well. After Jason and I were married I started doing childcare out of our home and did so until we moved to Spearfish. Shortly after moving here our daughter was born and so I decided to take a break, three months later our son came into our lives. Pumpkin Patch Daycare opened on October 28th, 2008 and Closed on November 23rd, 2016.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Easy Stain Solutions...

Occationally at the Patch we have spills or something else and here are a few ideas I have found that help keep those cute little clothes looking new!

For Protein (baby food, formula, etc.) ~ Soak fresh stain in cold water and fub fabric to dislodge stain.  Wash in warm water with detergent and I like to use Tide.Stain.Release.in-wash.booster!

Oil-based (pepperoni, butter, etc.) ~ Wash in the hottest water safe for fabric with detergent and again, I like to add the Tide.Stain.Release.in-wash.booster!

Tannin (coffee, strawberries, etc.) ~ Rinse stain in cool water.  Then wash fresh stain in the hottest water safe for fabric with detergent and the in-wash.booster!

Dye (grass, blueberries, etc.) ~ Pretreat with a liquid stain release and rinse thoroughly.  Wash in the hottest water safe for fabric with detergent and the in-wash.booster!

Combination (crayons, chocolate, etc.) ~ Scrape stain and scrub under hot water.  Then wash in the hottest water safe for fabric with detergent and the in-wash.booster!

If you cannot get to the washer and dryer and need a quick fix, know the home remedy rules to stain-removal ~ but always test the fabric first:

For most cotton garments, brush the excess stain off the surface of the fabric by using a soft bristle brush or cloth and rinse it in cold water to dilute the stain.  Wash in warm water when you get home.

Hydrogen peroxide can get rid of fresh blood stains.  Again, toss this in the washer as soon as you get home.

I always like to keep the Tide.To.Go pen  on hand for emergencies! 

Ashley ~ Pumpkin Patch Daycare

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